Concluded master thesis
- GeDA-3D: A Generic CSCW tool with 3D. Silvia Inés Toscano, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- Intelligent Extraction of Information in Global information Systems. Marco A. Ramos. Co-direction with Aurelio López López. CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- A communication language among intelligent agents. Nicandro Farias, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- A multiplatform spooling. Jorge Fausto Hdez. CINVESTAV-IPN, 1999-2000.
- A platform for managing agent groups. Sulma S. Aguirre, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2001.
- A manager color system. Leo Hendrix Reyes, CINVESTAV-IPN 2000-2001.
- A virtual 3D office: a tool for CSCW. Ma. Eugenia Puga N, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2001.
- A Virtual Editor for Dynamic Environments. Hugo Ivan Piza, CINVESTAV-IPN 2001-2002
- Adaptive Algorithms for the Virtual Editor of GeDA-3D. Fabiel Zúñiga G. CINVESTAV-IPN 2001-2002
- Formalization by means of High level RdP of Negotiation Protocols en MAS. José de Jesús Padilla 2000- 2003.
- Watermarking. Carlos Ramon Patiño Rubalcava, CINVESTAV-IPN 2000-2002
- "2PSW: A reliable writing algorithm for smart cards without contact. Carlos Alberto Franco Reboreda 2002-2004
- Caracterización de Datos como una Forma de Metaconocimiento útil al Problema de Selección de Modelo Local. Francisco Ocegueda Hernández. 2002-2004
- A study of parallelization of Data Mining algorithms. Jorge Lauro Hdez., CINVESTAV-IPN 1999- 2004
- Intelligent assign of information request in a LAN information system. Fernando Velzco Loera. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002- 2004
- A platform for manage mobile agent based applications. Antonio Alcalá. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002- 2004
- A language for 3D animations, Alma Veronica Martinez, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2005.
- A system for intrusion in Computer Systems. Octavio Gutierrez Garcia, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2006 in co-direction Felix RAMOS, Herwig Unger from Rostock University.
- A declarative Editor for 3D scenarios, Jaime Zaragoza, 2004-2006.
- Study of Emotions in Agents for Virtual Reality. Luis Razo, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004- 2006
- A Middleware useful to develop Distributed Systems. Alonso Aguirre Gutiérrez, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2006
- Dynamic Planning in virtual environments, Angel Rafael Rodriguez Moreno, CINVESTAV-IPN, 2006-2008.
- Study of non-normative behavior of agents in an agent community. Mariam Brambila, CINVESTAV-IPN, 2005-2008
- Study of learning techniques for agents evolving in virtual environments. Moices Uc Cetina CINVESTAV-IPN, 2005-2008.
- Robot alignment using self-organization. Miguel A. Sanchez, 2006-2008
- RFID applied to hospital environments. Omar A. Gonzalez P2006- 2008 (first place award for the best master thesis in Jalisco State in México)
- Soft Tissue Cutting: A chirurgical approach. Luis Fernando Gutierrez Preciado. 2007-2009
- Auto-Organización de Redes de Dispositivos Móviles. J. Guadalupe Olascuaga. Co-direction with Prof. L. Ernesto López Mellado. 2007-2009
- Virtual sensors and Perception. Gustavo Alejandro Torres Blanco. 2007-2009
- A New classification technique. Luis Eulalio Real Novo. Co-direction with Ricardo Vilalta López. 2007-2009.
- A planning approach to animate avatars. Cristian Boyain y Goitia Luna. 2007-2009.
- Comportamiento influenciado por la personalidad en creaturas virtuales. Victor Fernández Cervantes. Co-direction with Marco Antonio Ramos C. de la University of the Mexican State. 2007-2009.
- A planning module for Virtual Creatures considering cognitive process. Francisco Galvan Valdivia. 2008-2010.
- A declarative method for specifying a scene correctly using formal methods. Erick Vresnev Castellanos Hernández. 2008-2010.
- Distribution of context environment in complex virtual reality scenarios. Luis Alberto Muñoz Gómez, CINVESTAV-IPN. 2006-2010.
- Modelo de Memoria Semántica para criaturas virtuales basado en Neurociencias. Ana Karina Jaime Oliver, CINVESTAV-GDL. 2010-2011.
- Neuroscience based model of attention. Silviano Díaz Barriga. CINVESTAV-GDL. 2011-2012.
- A model of synthetic proprioception for virtual anthropomorphic entities. Daniel Madrigal, CINVESTAV GDL 2011-2013
- A model of emotion regulation for virtual creatures. Jonhatan Rosales, CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2013.
- Nondeclarative memory model for virtual creatures: Non associative learning. Ory Dinguene Medina Ceja. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014
- Dynamic Scene Surface Mesh Characterization for Real Time Ray Tracing. Ulises Olivares Pinto. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Cognitive architecture for Bimodal Selection Atention: vision and Somatosensorily. Cynthia Anahi Avila Contreras. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Interactive simulation of complex deformable models using the mesh intersection algorithm. Sergio Enrique Vargas Béjar. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Middleware for cognitive architectures: Cervantes Hernández Armando. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2015.
- Estimation of Elbow Flexo-Extension Angle Using sEMG signals. Granados Delgado Edith Elena. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2015.
- Algoritmo para Calculo de Intersección entre Rayos y Nurbs: Héctor Guillermo Rodriguez Fuentes. CINVESTAV GDL 2014-2017
- Estimación de ángulo de la rodilla e identificación de fases del andado durante la marcha. Gómez Pérez Ilse Jazmín. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2017.
- Feature reduction and selection for EMG signal classification. Angulo Aguilar José Osvaldo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2017.
- Sistema sensorial visual bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales, Luis Parra. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2018
- Sistema de percepción bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales. Adrían Ulises González Casillas, CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2018
- Sistema motor bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales, Sandoval Arrayga Carlos Johnnatan. CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2019
- Sistema de percepción para criaturas virtuales. Dounce Nava Iván Axel. 2018-2019
- Sistema multi-agente para la composición. Alan López Fraga CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2020
- Sistema de percepción auditiva para criaturas virtuales. Gustavo Palacios Ramírez. 2018-2020.
- Recuperación del Conjunto de Tareas para planeación. Oscar Guadalupe. CINVESTAV GDL. 2019-2021
- Aprendizaje de Incentivo para Memoria Asociativa. Alizon Capote. CINVESTAV GDL 2019-2021.
- Alerta en sistema atencional bioinspirado para criaturas virtuales. Carlos Alejandro Sánchez Aceves. CINVESTAV GDL. 2020-2022
Concluded PhD Thesis
- A formal methodology for specify and implement agent based systems. Nicandro Farias CINVESTAV-GDL 1999-2002
- A Declarative Dynamic Virtual Editor for GeDA-3D. Ivan Piza, CINVESTAV-GDL 2002-2006
- Adaptive algorithms for animated virtual entities in a GeDA-3D world. Fabiel Zuñiga. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002-2006
- Multi-Agent Interaction Trough Norms. Octavio Gutierrez Garcia CINVESTAV-GDL Co-direction with Jean-Luc Koning ESISAR-INPG France. 2006-2009. Double Diploma.
- Declarative Modeling Based On Knowledge. Jaime Alberto Zaragoza Rios. CINVESTAV-GDL. Co-direction with Veronique Gaildrat IRIT France. 2006-2009. Double Diploma.
- Study of movement planning of virtual creatures. Hector Rafael Orozco, CINVESTAV-GDL. 2006-2010.
- Distributed Visual Port. Alma Veronica Martinez Gonzalez, CINVESTAV GDL. 2007-2011
- “Meta-analysis applied to Multi-agent software engineering” Luis Alfonso Razo Ruvalcaba. Double diploma CINVESTAV GDL- INPG France. 2007-2012.
- Integration of emotion and cognition in autonomous agents. Luis Felipe Rodríguez Torres. CINVESTAV GDL. 2009-2013
- Soft tissue cut using FEM. Luis Fernando Gutierrez Preciado. CINVESTAV-GDL. 2009-2013.
- Methodology to develop cognitive architecture based Neuroscience. Gustavo Alejandro Torres Blanco. CINVESTAV GDL 2009-2013.
- Tumor detection in a human body using Data Mining techniques. Luis Eulalio Real Novo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2009-2014.
- Estructura de Aceleración par Trazado de Rayos en Tiempo Real de Imagenes Dinámicas José Arturo García García. 2010-2014.
- A distributed approach to design federations of agents in an ecosystem of services. José Francisco Cervantes Alvarez, CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2015. Co-dirección Prof. Michel Occello.
- Selección de Coordinación en Sistemas Basados en Sistemas de Agentes. Rodolfo Ostos Robles. 2010-2015.
- Plants morphology from artificial life perspective. Erick Vresnev Castellanos Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2015
- Neuroscience based model of planning for virtual creatures. Sonia López Ruiz. CINVESTAV GDL 20012-2015.
- Neuroscience based model of decisions for virtual creatures. José Antonio Cervantes CINVESTAV GDL 2012-2015.
- Memory model for virtual creatures based on biological evidence. Ana Karina Jaime Oliver. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2016
- Modelo de sistema sensorial para la arquitectura cuayollotl basado en evidencia biológica. Daniel Madrigal, CINVESTAV GDL 2013-2017.
- Modelo y Sistema Afectivo Bio-inspirado para Emociones Básicas en Criaturas Virtuales. Jonathan Rosales, CINVESTAV GDL. 2013-2017.
- Efficient Construction of Acceleration Data Structures to optimize the Rendering of Polygonal and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines Geometry for Interactive Ray Tracing. Ulises Olivares Pinto. CINVESTAV GDL. 2014-2018.
- Un modelo de sistema motivacional fisiológico para criaturas virtuales. Mirna Selene Samarripa Parra. CINVESTAV GDL 2014-2018.
- Neuroscience based middleware. Armando Cervantes Hernandez. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2020.
- Modelado de predicción para extremidades de un exoesqueleto. Edith Elena Granados. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2020.
- A working memory model for virtual creatures. Luis de Jesus Martin Castillo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2020.
- A planning and decision-making model for virtual creatures. Raymundo Ramirez Pedraza. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2021.
- A model of alert in the attentional cognitive function for virtual creatures. Natividad Vargas Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2021.
- A model of alert in the attentional cognitive function for virtual creatures. Natividad Vargas Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2021.
- Computational model of physiological motivations for a cognitive architecture based on neuroscientific evidence. Myrna Selene Zamarripa Parra. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2018.
- Systema de Asistente de director de arte basado en IA. Adrian Ulises González Casillas. CIVESTAV GDL. 2018-2022.
- Modelo de Memoria Asociativa bio-inspirado. Tania del Carmen Rodríguez Flores. CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2022.
- Modelo informatico de sistema motivacional para criaturas ciberneticas. Diana Gabriela Gómez Martínez. CINVESTAV GDL 2018-2022.