Who We Are

This group is composed of enthusiastic researchers that are either currently involved as students at Cinvestav Unidad Guadalajara or are in collaboration with the group at their respective workplaces and/or laboratories. The current members are:


Prof. Félix Ramos

Participating Researchers

PhD. Students

MSc. Students

Former Students

Grad. Year Program Name Currently at
2024 Doctoral Rafael Salazar
2024 Doctoral Axel Dounce
2024 Doctoral Carlos Sandoval
2023 Doctoral Diana G. Gómez Martínez
2023 Doctoral Tania del Carmen Rodriguez
2023 Doctoral Luis Adrian Parra Avellaneda
2022 Doctoral Adrián Ulises González Casillas
2022 Master Carlos Alejandro Sánchez Aceves
2020 Doctoral Natividad Vargas Hernández
2020 Doctoral Luis de Jesus Martin Castillo Upmy
2020 Doctoral Raymundo Ramirez
2019 Doctoral Armando Cervantes
2018 Doctoral Edith Helena Granados Oracle
2018 Doctoral Selene Zamarripa
2018 Doctoral Ulises Olivares UNAM
2017 Master Osvaldo Angulo
2017 Master Ilse Gómez Oracle
2017 Doctoral Jonathan Hernando Rosales Hernández Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
2017 Doctoral Daniel Madrigal Oracle
2016 Doctoral Karina Jaime Intel
2015 Doctoral Sonia López Ruiz Universidad de Guadalajara
2015 Doctoral Antonio Cervantes Alvarez Universidad de Guadalajara
2015 Doctoral Erick Castellanos Privat research laboratory
2015 Doctoral Rodolfo Ostos Universidad Politecnica de Mazatlan
2015 Doctoral Francisco Cervantes Alvarez ITESO
2014 Master Sergio Vargas Béjar
2014 Master Cynthia Anai Contreras Oracle
2014 Master Ory Medina Ceja
2014 Doctoral Arturo García García Intel
2014 Doctoral Luis Eulalio Real Oracle
2013 Doctoral Gustavo Torres Blanco USA company
2013 Doctoral Luis Fernándo Gutierrez ITESO
2013 Doctoral Luis Felipe Rodríguez Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
2012 Master Silviano Diaz Barriga Oracle
2012 Doctoral Luis Alfonso Razo Francia
2011 Doctoral Alma Verónica Martínez UDG
2010 Master Luis Alberto Muñoz UDG
2010 Master Francisco Galvan Microsoft
2010 Doctoral Rafael Orozco UAEM
2009 Doctoral Jaime Zaragoza Microsoft
2009 Master Cristian Boyain y Goytia
2009 Doctoral Octavio Gutiérrez ITAM
2007 Doctoral Fabiel Zuñiga HP
2007 Doctoral Hugo Piza ITESO
2007 Master Alonso Aguirre

It is worth to mention that former and current students are part of the IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter at Cinvestav Unidad Guadalajara.

What follows is a gallery of the members of different generations: