Francisco Robles

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Full-time Research Professor & Head of the Cognitive Neurosciences Lab at the North Centre from the University of Guadalajara. Doctoral degree in Behavioral Science at the Neuroscience Institute from the University of Guadalajara. My research focuses on the neurological correlates of lexical processing, the electrophysiological activity of cortical regions during executive functions tasks and the modeling of prefrontal cortex circuitry through artificial neural networks. Member of the National Research System (SNI) in Mexico since 2011. Also member of the Society for Neurobiology of Language, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the Society for Neuroscience.


Research in cerebral correlates of lexical processing, electrophysiological activity of cortical regions during executive functions tasks and artificial neural networks modeling prefrontal cortex during higher cognitive tasks.



2012- Centro Universitario del Norte de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Colotlán, Jalisco
(North Centre from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico)
Full time Research-Professor

  • Neurolinguistic & Neuropsychology line of research at the Department of Well being and Sustainable development.
  • Member of the Academy of Psychology.

2008-2011 Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía. México City
(National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Mexico)
Researcher in Medical Sciences “A”

  • In charge of the Neurolinguistic line of research at the Department of Neuropsychology and Supporting Groups.
  • Former Neurolinguistic’s laboratory member.
  • Former Artificial Intelligence laboratory collaborator.

2004–2008 Universidad de Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jal.
(University of Guadalajara in Guadalajara, Mexico)
Professor at the Health Sciences Center

  • Undergraduate School of Psychology.
  • Classes “Cognitive Sciences” and “Psycholinguistics”.
  • Member of the Academy for Cognitive Neurosciences.


2016–2017 University of California Irvine, CA

  • Visiting Scholar
  • Neurology Department, Brain Circuits Lab.

2007–2010 Instituto de Neurociencias Guadalajara, Jal.
(Neuroscience Institute of the University of Guadalajara)

  • Doctoral Degree in Behavioral Science (Neuroscience Option).
  • Thesis: “Neural network that emulates orbitofrontal cortex responding during reversal learning in a sexually motivated task with male rats”.

2004–2006 Instituto de Neurociencias Guadalajara, Jal.
(Neuroscience Institute of the University of Guadalajara)

  • Master Degree in Behavioral Sciences (Neuroscience Option).
  • Thesis “Orbitofrontal cortex inactivation impairs reversal learning in a sexually motivated task with male rats”.

1998–2003 Universidad de Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jal.
(School of Psychology, University of Guadalajara)

  • BS in Psychology.
  • High Score graduated by the National Center of Evaluation in Mexico.

Recent publications

  • Gómez-Martínez, D. G., Ramos, M., del Valle-Padilla, J. L., Rosales, J. H., Robles, F., & Ramos, F. ( 2021 ). A bioinspired model of short-term satiety of hunger influenced by food properties in virtual creatures. Cognitive Systems Research, 66, 46-66. doi: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2020.10.008.
  • Martin, L., Jaime, K., Ramos, F., & Robles, F. ( 2021 ). Declarative working memory: A bio-inspired cognitive architecture proposal. Cognitive Systems Research, 66, 30-45. doi: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2020.10.014.
  • Cervantes, J. A., Rodríguez, L. F., López, S., Ramos, F. & Robles, F. A. ( 2016 ). Autonomous agents and ethical decision-making. Cognitive Computation, 8( 2 ): 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s12559-015-9362-8.
  • Robles, F. A. & Lara, W. ( 2015 ). Interferencia de la información léxica sobre la identificación d fonemas durante una tarea de decisión fonológica. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 47: 147-155. doi: 10.1016/j.rlp.2015.06.002.
  • Guevara, M. A., Hernández-González, M., Rizo-Martínez L. E. & Robles Aguirre, F. A. ( 2013 ). “Performance of the towers of Hanoi task and cortical electroencephalographic power changes associated with infancy, adolescence and early adulthood”. Experimental Brain Research 231 ( 3 ):315-324.
  • Guevara, M. A., Rizo-Martínez L. E., Robles Aguirre, F. A., Hernández-González, M. ( 2012 ). “Prefrontal-parietal correlation during performance of the towers of Hanoi task in male children, adolescents and young adults”. Developmental Cognitive Neurosciences 2( 1 ): 129-138.

Meeting presentations

  • Torres-Agustín, R., Nuñez-Soria, M., Lara, W. & Robles Aguirre, F. A. ( 2020 ) . Neural correlates of postlexical retrospective strategies in an indirect semantic priming task. Neurobiology of Language Meeting. Virtual edition, October 21-24.
  • González-Díaz, A., Canela, D., Carrillo A., Lara, W. & Robles Aguirre, F. A. ( 2020 ) . Differences in amplitude N400 on a lexical decision task between Spanish and Wixarika speakers. Neurobiology of Language Meeting. Virtual edition, October 21-24.
  • Canela, D., González-Díaz, A., Carrillo A., Lara, W. & Robles Aguirre, F. A. ( 2019 ) . N400 in lexical decision of words and pseudowords on a Yuto-Nahua language: The case of Wixarika. Neuroscience 2019. Chicago, IL., October 19-23.